Hannah Reese has top billing in new horror anthology
Available NOW on Blu-Ray and Video On Demand!
"Hannah Reese’s performance in having her character do a 180 was magnetic. I believed every sigh, every shiver, and every uncontrollable shake from a heavy weapon in her once innocent hands. " -HorrorBuzz
"All three performances are stellar and the scenes between Reese and Thomas feel purely instinctive around that threat of violence which is ever-present. Reese, in particular, finds that discomposure at will."
"Lucinda makes for a strong protagonist, and there’s a Coen Esq feel to the suspense of the piece."
"Murder Ballad is one of the best short films of 2019."
"Murder Ballad is one of the best short films of 2019."
"When Lucinda finally snaps, we can all but feel the years of subdued fear and pain and hate ripped from her core in a single gutsy ploy that seemed to shock her as much as it does her viewers." -HellNotes
What really made Murder Ballad stand out for me was the acting. The southern personas, the accents, the delivery, everything – perfect! -Horror Domain
"This is a really good short film all around, on every level it can be. The acting, the effects, the lighting, the sets, it just knocks it out of the park." - Horror News